Le sorelle rivali

Zhizn za zhizn

Regia: Jevgenij Bauer, Russia , 1916

Russia , 1916
Szenenphoto aus Le sorelle rivali, © Khanzhonkov & Co


Casa produtrice Aleksandr Khanzhonkov & Co
Distributtore Pathé Exchange, Inc. [(USA)]
Produttore Aleksandr Khanzhonkov
Direttore Jevgenij Bauer
Scenaggiatore Jevgenij Bauer
Basato Georges Ohnet [Novel: Serge Panine]
Direttore della Fotografia Boris Zavjeljev
Architetto-scenografo Aleksej Utkin
Interpreti Vera Kholodnaja [Nata Khromova]
Lidija Korenjeva [Musja Khromova / Муся, дочь]
Ivan Perestiani [Zhurov]
Vitold Polonskij [Prinz Vladimir Bartinsky / Principe]
Olga Rakhmanova [Mrs. Khromova / Signora Chromova]

Caratteristiche tecniche
Categoria: Lungometraggio
Informazioni tecniche: Format: 35 mm, 1:1,33 - Ratio: 1:1,33 - Bianco e Nero,, 2175 metri, 5 ruoli
Sistema sonoro: silent
Prima Presentazione: 10º Maggio 1916 in Russland
Copie esistenti: Copie di questa pellicula esistono parzialmente [Archiv: Gosfilmofond of Russia (Moscow)]
Szenenphoto aus Le sorelle rivali, © Khanzhonkov & Co

Sinossi (in Tedesco)
Die reiche Frau Khromova hat eine eigene Tochter, Musya (Lydia Koreneva), und eine Adpotivtochter, Nata (Vera Kholodnaya). Der Kaufmann Zhurov hat sich in Nata verliebt...

Szenenphoto aus Le sorelle rivali, © Khanzhonkov & Co
Osservazione generali (in Tedesco): "Khanzhankov explained in a 1937 interview what he wanted to achieve with A Life for a Life. “I wanted to stagger the cinema world with a production of great artistic worth, which would immediately place our firm’s reputation at its rightful level... From a whole range of scenarios offered to him, Bauer, our chief director, selected a dramatization of the French novel by Georges Ohnet. All the studio’s technical resources were mobilized for the production, and the main roles were allocated among the best actors in our company... We had no more than one month to spend on the production and all departments set to work at a feverish pace. Bauer liked this sort of urgent ‘spontaneous’ work and even finished it a few days ahead of the deadline.” [Silent Witnesses, ed. Tsivian et al, London/Pordenone: 1989]

Khanzhankov’s hopes were realized. The Russian film press hailed A Life for a Life as an “artistic treasure” and “a film that deserves a place alongside the best foreign productions,” although Bauer’s taste for columns was also gently mocked, and it was hinted that perhaps he was trying too hard to imitate foreign models. But all hopes of building on this achievement were swept away in the following year; and in 1919 the most-admired star of Russian cinema, Vera Kholodnaia, died in Odessa. Her vast funeral marked the end of on era." (Milestone Films and Video)

The Moving Picture World gibt in der Rezension des Films A. Arkatatov als Regisseur an. (lhg 2019)

General Information

Le sorelle rivali is a motion picture produced in the year 1916 as a Russia production. The Film was directed by Jevgenij Bauer, with Vera Kholodnaja, Lidija Korenjeva, Ivan Perestiani, Vitold Polonskij, Olga Rakhmanova, in the leading parts. There are no reviews of Le sorelle rivali available.

Bibliografia - Silent Witness, BFI, pg 326;
- Il Cinema Ritrovato, Bologna 2016, pg 50f

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